Supported videos and links
Uploaded videos
Max length: We support maximum 10s videos at the moment. If the video is longer, only first 10s are processed.
Format: mp4, MOV
Max size: 200mb
Tiktok and Instagram links
You can paste a link directly into our console at product page. We can proceed only public videos.
To copy the link simply hit the share button on whichever platform and choose copy the link option. Then paste the link directly into vidflip console.
You can find any gif in our console by typing its keywords. We only support GIFs searchable in our GIF search console.
If you can't find desired GIF in our console, simply download it for any platform, then convert it into a mp4 format and upload into our console.

Quality guarantee
Two of our core brand values are quality & trust, which is why everything we do is built on a foundation of excellence & transparency. Our products are:

High print quality

Sustainably sourced

Proudly made in the US

Long lasting